CDC Report on Hep C Investigation Released
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Channel 8 Eyewitness News -- May 16th, 2008
"Federal health officials have issued their report on the Nevada hepatitis C investigation. The CDC confirms unsafe practices were taking place at several clinics. The federal report is the latest news since the Southern Nevada Health District announced 77 people have tested positive for hepatitis C with no other risk factors aside from their treatments at the medical clinics in question. Dr. Cindy Lamerson is one of two physicians who investigated the endoscopy center for the state board of medical examiners. She says this new CDC report gives the committee ammunition to continue with its investigaton into Dr. Depak Desai and Dr. Eladio Carerra, who head up the Endoscopy Center of Southern Nevada. The CDC report also offered suggestions to avoid a repeat of this prolem including better surveillance, education and oversight."