Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Nevada Caucus Info

The Caucus begins January 19th 9am -- Locations Depend upon your Party Affiliation


1. All registrated Republicans will be getting something in the mail 1st week of January that gives them the location.
2. Sometime later this week 12/16/07 an online sign up will be available for Register Republicans at: http://www.nvgopcaucus.com/ Registrants can type in their address and get the location.
3. Or they can call the Republican Party HQ at (702) 258-9182 and get the location if they are registered Republicans.


If you are a registered Democrat and wondering where you are supposed to> go for the caucus on January 19 you can find it at www.nvdemscaucus.com> just click on "Find Your Caucus Location" button on the left hand side> and follow the directions. Or they can call the Democratic Party HQ at (702) 737-8683 and get the location if they are registered Democrats.